Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Average GRE Scores

What Is a Average Graduate Record Examination Score?

The average GRE score differs for each part of the examination. According to the numbers released for the years 2004 to 2008, the GRE verbal score average is 462, while the GRE quantitative score average is 584. In the third part of the examination, the writing exam, the average score is 4.0.

What Is a GRE Score?

A GRE score is scoring on the "Graduate Record Examination", a standardized test that many U.S. graduate schools use as an admission requirement. People hoping to attend schools in other English-speaking countries also might encounter the GRE test. The level of emphasis placed on this score varies widely from one institution to the next, even inside a country.

The cost of the Graduate Examination general test is around $160 American. There are four major parts of the test, though only three count towards your final grade: the verbal section, the quantitative section, the analytical writing section (issue task, argument task), and the experimental section. The experimental section involves experiments questions the GRE organizers are considering for later tests, but these do no count towards your grade. This section is interspersed with the rest of the exam, though, so you have no way of knowing which questions count towards your grade.

GRE Examination Sections

The Verbal Section involves reading comprehension and multiple-choice sections based on analogies and completions. The Quantitative Section is also multiple-choice, and involves problem solving and comparison questions to test high-school level math skills. The analytical sections involves the writing of two different essays. The "issue task" essay is a 45-minute essay which allows you to choose between two topics, while the "argument task" essay gives the student 30 minutes to read an argument and critique the strengths and weaknesses in that argument.

Of course, if you want to get into the best graduate schools, you'll have to score better than the averages of 462, 584, and 4.0.

What You Should Do Before Taking the GRE Exam

Learning is never ending. We learn in order not to be stagnant and enrich our minds with more knowledge. When we were in college, we were able to distinguish the career that we want to pursue in the future and taking graduate studies to enhance that passion is a right way to master your craft. Millions of students all around the world dreamed of enrolling in graduate schools to take their education to the higher level and hone their love for their passion. Taking GRE test preparation seriously will help you achieve your dreams.

With so many school that you need to inquire and visit to take their entrance exam, one body is dedicated to make that job easy for students. Educational Testing Service (ETS) is a non-profit organization that invented and managed Graduate Record Examination (GRE). GRE is a type of examination to check the abilities of students if they are fit to enter graduate schools. This examination is standardized, meaning that the way the test is given and the manner of checking is constant to avoid discrepancies. The result of the test is honoured in some graduate schools in the United States and in some English-speaking countries.

GRE test preparation is no laughing manner. You need to pass the four categories in their general test namely; verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking and analytical writing skills. These four subjects do not favour one area of study per se but they are a general evaluation of the readiness of a student for the stress and level of education in graduate school or even in business schools. However, according to the official website of Graduate Record Examination, there would be changes in the type of test and questions of the exam sometime in August 2011.

Before engaging in GRE test preparation materials, you need to register first in ETS either online or by snail mail. You can indicate your special needs, if you need one, during the examination in the application. The testing fee in United States, U.S. Territories and Puerto Rico is $160 US dollars, while the testing fee in other countries like China, Taiwan, and Korea $ 205 US dollars. For other countries not mention, other locations charge students with a testing fee of $109 US dollars. The test could be taken as a computer-based or paper-based, depending on the country where you will be taking the examination.

GRE offers review materials for the examinees for free but there are also special materials that you need to purchase from them. Allotting time for GRE test preparation is the key to pass this examination. You need to study the review materials to get you acquainted with the flow of the exam. Aside from that, you need to familiarize yourself with the strategy and helpful tips in taking the GRE computer-based or paper-based exam to give you the heads up on how the examination works.

GRE test preparation is a giant step in reaching your goal to enter in graduate school. If you plan to become a master in your field and create changes for the betterment of the world, you need to invest your time in passing GRE. Preparing for the exam is like making a key to open the door of your dreams.

I do know finding brand new replacement windows can be quite difficult however you should try and read more about GRE Prep Courses before choosing ones. Stop by this GRE Test Prep site for additional information.

College Admissions - Record Numbers of Students REJECTED, Again

Once again, many colleges - both public and private - have been overwhelmed by the sheer number of applications. Many expressed surprise at the fact due to the economy. As a result of the increases, the colleges get to say "No" to more students. Let's face it, colleges love to report "acceptance rates". Of course the flip side of that is the "rejection rate". When a school like Harvard University reports an "acceptance rate" around 5-7%, you've got to remember that means that 93-95% are REJECTED. Even many public or "state" colleges and universities are getting more difficult. University of Maryland, here where I'm based, last year had an acceptance rate around 44%. That means 56% of those who applied were REJECTED.

Getting rejected is hard on students, there's no denying it . If your student is one of those who has been rejected or knows someone who didn't get in, sometimes the rejection is due to circumstances beyond the student's control. One of the reasons some students who "should have gotten in" might not, can be something simple yet unexpected. If a college experienced a surge in applications, for example, a kid who would have been accepted last year all of the sudden this year doesn't make the grade. It happens. Again, sometimes beyond your control. And sometimes its not. If you've been rejected, and are wondering why, ask yourself, and answer honestly some of the following questions...

Were the schools on my list realistic options? Too many "reach" schools can mean more rejection. For example, if you had a CR/M SAT score of 1080 and the 50% range for the school was 1150-1320, that school was a reach. Was my application sent by the priority deadline? There is a reason they set priority deadlines and the kids that meet it are given priority consideration.

Did I communicate a clear, consistent message to help set me apart? Lack of focus in an application makes it harder for college admissions folks to say "Yes!" Was I able to articulate why and how that particular college was part of an overall plan for me? Again, that lack of focus might have had a role. Did I have a clear understanding of what goals the college has and how I, as part of the student body, could help them achieve those goals? If you had a solid understanding of the school and its future goals that might provide you with some insight as to why you didn't get in.

Your Assignment: IF you experienced rejection, don't dwell on the colleges that didn't accept you. You should self-examine to see if there were any mistakes or missteps on your part, so you can learn from them. This is important because in 4 or so years when you graduate, you're going to go through the same kind of process all over again, only it's most likely going to be companies you'll be applying to instead of colleges. Instead of pouting and fretting over the college that said no (their loss!), celebrate and focus on the colleges that did accept you -- after all, you did like them enough to apply which means you should have liked them enough to attend!

Juniors, doing some serious college planning NOW can help reduce the chances that you'll have to deal with trying to figure out why you were rejected from a particular college later. Parents, this is too important to your child's future success. You've worked too hard -- don't put things off or do nothing at all. This is a defining moment in your child's life! Hoping for the best is simply not enough.

Jeanmarie Keller, is founder of the Get NOTICE, Get IN, Get MONEY College System, the proven step-by-step program that shows you exactly how to get into college and get money to help pay the bill with less stress...guaranteed. To get your F.R.E.E. Audio CD by mail and receive her weekly college success articles on getting in and getting money while dramatically increasing your child's future success, visit

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Where Do Radiology School Graduates Work?

Where do radiology school graduates work? This is a good question to ask if you are thinking about going into this profession. The fact is that radiology school graduates can get jobs as radiologic technologists and technicians at a number of different medical settings, and employment for this profession is growing faster than average.

There were about 214,700 radiologic technologist jobs in 2008, 61 percent of which were in hospitals. The other jobs were in physicians' offices, medical and diagnostic laboratories and outpatient care facilities. There are even more jobs today, and the job opportunities are expected to continue growing. If you have knowledge of several diagnostic imaging procedures you will have the best chances of finding high paying work in a variety of different locations.

Radiology schools range from training programs in hospitals to traditional courses at colleges and universities. You can choose to get a certificate, associate's degree or bachelor's degree depending on how long you want to stay in school. You will have more job opportunities and a higher rate of pay if you get a higher level of education, though, so this should definitely factor into your decision. After you finish your education, you may also need to become licensed before you can begin working in the field, depending on which state you live in.

If you choose to start a career as a radiologic technologist or technician, you will be responsible for performing diagnostic imaging exams on patients. The main difference between these two jobs is that radiologic technicians mostly use x-ray machines while radiologic technologists use many technologies such as computed magnetic resonance imaging, mammography and tomography. Both jobs will require you to work closely with doctors and follow their instructions precisely for your safety and the safety of your patients.

Your main duties as a radiologic technician will be to prepare patients and administer examinations, although you may also have job duties such as keeping records and maintaining the equipment depending on where you work. As a radiologic technologist you will be responsible for performing more complex procedures, and you will probably earn a higher salary.

Different Schools in the Seattle School District Honor Graduates

Garfield High School Honors 84 Year-Old Graduate

On Monday, June 19th, Richard Coone received an honorary diploma from Garfield High School, a Seattle High School. He walked with the Garfield High graduates at the graduating ceremonies held at Qwest Field. Mr. Coone has waited over sixty-five years to receive a diploma. In 1941, Mr. Coone was a senior at Garfield High School and was prepared to graduate with his friends but World War II got in the way. In his junior year, Mr. Coone had joined the National Guard by lying about his age. He did this in order to be with his older brother. By joining the Battery 146 Field Artillery Battalion, he was to serve with several students from Garfield High School. But before graduation, he was called to Fort Lewis and did not return home until 1945. After returning home he worked for the Seattle times for over thirty years. Garfield High School and other Seattle Schools are honored to recognize Dick Coone for his service to the State of Washington and our country.

Seattle Alliance of Black School Educators Annual Recognition Dinner for
Retirees and Graduating Seniors

The Seattle Alliance of Black School Educators, the local affiliate of the National Alliance of Black Educators, will hold a dinner honoring selected graduating students and retiring faculty on June 21, 2006. The annual dinner is also used to recognize those students who have received Seattle Alliance of Black School Educators' scholarships. The students are chosen from high schools throughout Seattle Schools. The criteria used to select the students includes examining the students' academic record, their involvement in school activities, their participation in community service, the students' financial need, and a required application essay. The scholarships will be used to further the students' education. This year's dinner will also honor five retiring faculty members from the Seattle Schools. These retirees are honored due to their outstanding service and commitment to their work in Seattle Schools.

The SABSE is part of the National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE). The NABSE is a non-profit organization devoted to furthering the academic success for the nation's children - particularly children of African descent. In 1970 the NABSE was founded to improve both the educational experiences and accomplishments of African American youth through the development and use of instructional and motivational methods that increase levels of inspiration, attendance and overall achievement. The NABSE aims to accomplish its goals by facilitating the education of all students, with a particular focus on African American students; establish a coalition of African American educators, administrators and other professionals directly and indirectly involved in the educational process; create a forum for the exchange of ideas and strategies to improve opportunities for African American educators and students; identify and develop African American professionals who will assume leadership positions in education and influence public policy concerning the education of African Americans. These groups hope to influence students in Seattle Schools to recognize the importance of African American contributions to the United States.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Comparing and Evaluating Graduate Programs

An effective graduate school search will yield several schools to which you plan to apply. It isn't difficult to find "the best" school in a particular discipline, but to protect yourself you are probably also going to apply to several "very good" schools too, so comparing them in meaningful ways, other than using that nebulous thing called "reputation," should be done as systematically as possible.

I recommend that you make a table whose horizontal axis contains the names of each school that you are thinking of applying with the categories that I will provide in this and several subsequent articles listed in the table's vertical axis. Filling in this spreadsheet is hard work. Some of the information you are seeking will be available on a school's web site [though it will take digging to find it] and some will be in the school's hardcopy Peterson's Guide entry. The rest of the information is gathered by calling the schools, contacting a program's graduate chair and probing for facts. Yes, it is time consuming and yes, a call like this will put you on their radar, and yes [and most importantly], they will understand that you are a serious, committed student if you are asking sophisticated questions.

Begin by examining admissions statistics and Graduate Record Examination scores [in cases where the tests are required]; this will help you to see how difficult this school might be for you to get into. Then determine the number of students they accept each year, how many apply, and try to get a fix on the program size [total number of enrolled students]. Unlike college where you took classes across many different departments during four years and got to know different students from different disciplines, in graduate school your personal horizons might be constrained by a small program in a small school. If you come from a large university where you had latitude and lots of friends, a small program might be constricting. Remember, you are joining a family, albeit as a transient member, and whom you know and whom you work with will affect your everyday life in many ways.

The size and diversity of the faculty is another variable you should explore. If the faculty is small and the number of students large, will the faculty have time to provide the individual attention you want as a graduate student? Remember, undergraduate students are also part of a faculty member's advising load. You also want to know if the faculty is strong in the fields that you are interested in in order to be able to provide the supervision you will require on your dissertation. If modern poetry is your passion and there is no name brand scholar at school X who shares that passion, you might take X off of your list.

Requirements are another important factor as you compare schools. You may find some programs too restrictive, or too requirement heavy for your tastes or needs. Perhaps you don't think you need to pass proficiency examinations in two foreign languages and several of the schools you are interested in think you do and several do not...then you should be asking why this discrepancy exists and figuring out which program is best for you.

Finally, the number of graduate level classes offered each year is a very important number. If, as is sometimes the case, the program offers few classes at the graduate level and double counts upper-level undergraduate courses and applies them towards your graduate program, then you will be taking more classes than you expect with seniors or advanced juniors, not with your graduate student peers; or you may have to fill your program with courses you would prefer not to take to maintain full-time status. This would be an especially bad deal in a one-year Master's program. Essentially, you are not quite getting what you came for, even if the instructor provides an extra hour or an extra section for graduate students [and that might not happen either]. So be sure to ask, and if the answer is that there are not many stand-alone graduate courses, try to find out why and determine if this is a deal-killer for you. This question may not make you popular, but ultimately it may make you happy!

Study Strategies For the Graduate Record Examination (GRE)

The GRE, or graduate record examination, tests your verbal, mathematical and critical abilities as part of the graduate school admissions process. Most schools will require you to admit your GRE score as part of your application, similar to what you had to do when you took the SAT for college. Before you have any test-taking nightmares, read these questions and answers to discover what you need to do to prepare.

Which GRE tests do I have to take?

Read the school's requirements carefully. Do not assume that you have to take the GRE at all. Then again, other programs may require the GRE and a subject exam in your specific field. Subject exam fields include Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Literature in English, Mathematics, Physics and Psychology. Even if you are applying to a program that corresponds with a subject exam, the program may not require it.

What does the GRE involve?

The GRE is similar to the SAT, with a verbal portion and a math portion. You will also need to write two essays that show your analytical abilities. The writing section always comes first, followed by the other section. You will also have to take an "unscored" section that includes questions being tested for later exams. The subject tests will test what you have learned so far in a subject to see how well prepared you are for a graduate program in that field.

How can I prepare?

The Educational Testing Service (ETS), which administers the GRE, provides sample questions, strategies and one full-length test at its Web site, along with sample subject tests. If you do take these sample tests, try to take them in conditions as close to the actual test conditions as possible, and time yourself exactly how you would be timed during the real test. This way, you are less likely to panic if you find yourself running low on time on the actual test day.

Several companies offer GRE prep courses, but, before you invest in those, you may want to see how you do on the ETS sample test or pick up a test prep book from a bookstore. These books include several practice tests. An alternative to GRE prep courses is GRE tutoring, which can help you if you prefer one-on-one guidance or would like to focus on a specific area of the test.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

GMAT Vs GRE - Which One Should You Take?

Recently, some business schools have decided to accept either the GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test) or the GRE (Graduate Record Examination) score as a part of an MBA applicant's application.

Historically, the GMAT is taken by students applying to business school, while those who want to pursue a non-business graduate degree take the GRE.

While the GMAT is still the most widely accepted standardized test for aspiring b-school students, a few business school programs have chosen to start accepting the GRE score as a means to widen their applicant pool by encouraging increased applications from those with various educational and experience backgrounds, and those who have difficulty getting to a GMAT test facility.

Here are some other interesting facts about why business schools are starting to accept the GRE:

-Price: The GRE is less expensive than the GMAT. The GRE costs $140 to take, while the GMAT costs $250). The higher GMAT test fee could limit the amount of students who apply for business school programs, especially when you consider the cost of multiple re-takes and separate preparation programs/books

-Streamlining Applications: The GRE is taken by students applying to diverse graduate programs, which means students won't have to study, pay, and take another standardized test in order to apply for business school.

-Testing Centers: The GRE is given in more locations around the world than the GMAT. Schools are always looks for more diverse candidates, and accepting the GRE could lead to more applicants from around the world who might not have the finances or time to be able to travel to a GMAT testing center.

Although the GRE and the GMAT are somewhat similar, the differences between the two exams are most apparent in an analysis of their scoring, average scores, and verbal and quantitative sections.

-Total Score:

o GRE - Like the SAT, the GRE consists of verbal and quantitative sections, which each can earn you between 200-800 points. The writing section can garner you anywhere from a 0-6. For admittance, most universities don't consider the writing GRE score as much as the verbal and quantitative scores. Keep in mind that GRE scores are taken into consideration along with your undergraduate GPA, admissions interview, extracurricular activities, etc. The average GRE score across the board is 1050, while the average GRE score for a Harvard student is 1330.

The New GRE vs The Current GRE

The new GRE is coming. Like overbearing in-laws on Christmas, the new GRE is coming, and there's nothing we can do to stop it. The best course of action is to learn as much as we can about it, so we know what to expect. The following is a brief summary of the differences between the current GRE and the new (revised) GRE,


Current GRE

    The verbal reasoning section of the current GRE tests your ability to analyze written material and understand the information presented (reading comprehension), identify relationships among different sentence parts (sentence completion), and comprehend relationships between words and concepts (analogies/antonyms).
    The quantitative reasoning section of the current GRE tests your ability to understand the basic concepts of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis, reason in a quantitative way, and solve problems involving quantities.
    The writing section consists of two topics: one "issue" topic and one "argument" topic.

The content on the new GRE is more or less the same as the content on the current GRE; the main difference is that certain concepts are emphasized more than others.

    On the verbal reasoning section, there will be significantly less focus on vocabulary out of context (no more analogies/antonyms) and more of a focus on "higher-level cognitive thinking," which translates to critical reading.
    On the quantitative reasoning section, there is a greater emphasis on data interpretation and real-life problem scenarios.
    The writing section of the new GRE still consists of one "issue" topic and one "argument" topic.

Question Types
Current GRE

    There are four main types of questions on the current GRE verbal reasoning section: sentence completion, analogies, reading comprehension, and antonyms.
    The quantitative reasoning section has two question types: multiple choice and quantitative comparison.
    The "issue" topic on the writing section gives you two prompts from which to choose; the "argument" topic only has one prompt.


    The verbal reasoning section of the new GRE will have neither analogies nor antonyms. Instead, there will be more sentence completion questions and a new type of question called sentence equivalence, in which you must identify which two answer choices will give the sentence the same meaning. The reading comprehension questions will have two new question types. In addition to the traditional multiple choice questions, there will be multiple answer questions and sentence highlighting questions. Multiple answer questions are exactly what they sound like -- of the three answer choices provided, one, two, or all three choices may be correct. Sentence highlighting questions will ask you to highlight the sentence in the passage where the answer is found.
    The new quantitative reasoning section will have two more question types in addition to multiple choice and quantitative comparisons. Multiple answer questions are just like they are on the verbal section -- more than one answer may be right, and you must identify all correct answers. Numeric entry questions are similar to the numeric entry questions on the SAT -- a box in which you must type in your numeric answer will be provided with the question.
    Each topic has only one prompt on the writing section of the new GRE.

Monday, September 3, 2012

GRE Study Reveals How We're Worked Into a Frenzy

It's official: when it comes to GRE test takers, they're a nation of stressheads.

A recent survey conducted by a herbal remedy brand revealed that of 2,372 GRE test takers, 99% claimed that they felt stressed about their GRE preparation at least once per day. The study also concluded that of these anxiety sufferers, 35% have missed at least one day's work of work or school due to stress over GRE study.

But for the rest of students preparing to realize their graduate school dreams, this isn't really news at all. In fact, it's a part of everyday life when it comes to GRE practice.

Let's face it: a small amount of stress is expected in any GRE practice schedule. Heck, sometimes it's even good for you! But what is this stress and anxiety doing to our health...

...And what steps can we take to stop it?

Under GRE Study Pressure

Many GRE test takers simply assume that GRE study pressure is part and parcel of the whole experience. After all, it's not like these highly talented students are unused to stress. And let's not forget what life will be like once you've made it into grad school.

Talk about stressed out!

But there's a flaw in this type of logic - and this flaw can really drag down your grad school dreams. You see, our college grades and GPA are determined by multiple tests, papers and presentations. In this respect, if we ever get stressed out and our score suffers as a result, we have multiple opportunities to make up for it.

But not with the GRE test. In fact, you've got one shot to prove that you've got the goods to succeed in graduate school. And if you fail, that's it.

Game over.

Fighting Back Against GRE Practice Anxiety

So what can you do to stay in tip-top shape? Take a look at these expert tips and techniques, and reclaim your GRE preparation once and for all!

• You've heard it all before: but if you want to fight back against high-pressure GRE test preparation, then you need to fine-tune your diet. Many foods can make our bodies feel as though we're in a state of high-stress. Nuts and seeds, however, have a positive impact on blood sugar levels, energy and mood, leading to decreased stress levels.
• Plenty of health experts have celebrated the physical activity as the best way to beat stress at its own game. However, there's a different between regular exercise and the kind that has been proven to significantly reduce stress levels. Don't go for high-impact workouts, as these can exacerbate stress levels. Instead, try yoga or meditation as a more productive method for reducing testing anxiety.

Remember, staying healthy and reducing your stress and anxiety levels is just as important to your GRE preparation as constant study and emotional preparation.

GRE Scores - Determine How Good Your Score Is

Students are often confused about how to interpret GRE Scores.  Common questions include: "What is a good GRE Score?" and "What GRE Scores do colleges require?"  To answer these questions, it is important to understand the different components of the GRE Test and how GRE test scores are calculated.

The GRE Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning sections are scored on a scale of 200-800, with 10 point increments. The GRE Analytical Writing section is scored on a 0-6 scale with half-point increments.  Your scores on the Verbal and Quantitative sections are based on your performance on the questions you were given and on the total number of questions answered in the time allotted.

The verbal and quantitative portions of the GRE Test are administered in a "computer-adaptive testing" (CAT) format.  The CAT format adapts the difficulty of the questions based on how a user answers the questions.  An average level question is given first, and then more difficult questions are given if the first question is answered correctly, or easier questions are given is the first question is missed.  The intent of the CAT approach is to adapt the questions based on the user's aptitude. With the CAT approach, you are not allowed to go back and change answers to previous questions, and you must answer each question to proceed.

Interpreting your GRE Scores

The best way to understand your GRE TestScores is by comparing them to other students and seeing what your preferred colleges require. The information below summarizes your percentile compared to other students.  For example, if you scored a 600 on your GRE Verbal Reasoning score, this implies that your percentile score is 85 (i.e., you scored better than 85% of the other students who took the GRE Test).  For students who took the exam between July 1, 2004 and June 30, 2007, the average (mean) GRE Scores were 462 for Verbal Reasoning, 584 for Quantitative Reasoning and 4.0 for Analytical Writing.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Selecting the Best GRE Study Guide

Many universities require applicants for graduate school to take the GRE (Graduate Record Exam). In many cases the score on the GRE is a major input to the admission decision process. If a prospective student is really interested in going to graduate school at one of these schools, it is in their interest to get as high a score on the GRE as possible. Thus, such students may decide to look for a useful GRE study guide.

The Educational Testing Service (ETS) is responsible for the GRE. In most situations it is taken on a computer, though paper versions do exist and may be used when the computerized version is not available. There are three multiple choice portions and a written part. There are many versions of the test, so one could take the test several times without getting much repetition of questions.

There are also eight Subject Tests that are optional parts of the GRE. They test knowledge in specific subject areas. One can take the GRE without taking any of them, though one or more of them may be required to be considered for some graduate programs. This article only discusses how to prepare for the main GRE.

According to the ETS, preparation or training for the GRE is not useful. This is because the GRE is testing very basic knowledge, including analytical thinking, writing, and both verbal and numerical reasoning. None of these can be acquired in a short time period. Others argue that the GRE format is so formal that taking similar tests in this format is useful practice.

Friday, August 3, 2012

It's official: when it comes to GRE test takers, they're a nation of stressheads.

A recent survey conducted by a herbal remedy brand revealed that of 2,372 GRE test takers, 99% claimed that they felt stressed about their GRE preparation at least once per day. The study also concluded that of these anxiety sufferers, 35% have missed at least one day's work of work or school due to stress over GRE study.

But for the rest of students preparing to realize their graduate school dreams, this isn't really news at all. In fact, it's a part of everyday life when it comes to GRE practice.

Let's face it: a small amount of stress is expected in any GRE practice schedule. Heck, sometimes it's even good for you! But what is this stress and anxiety doing to our health...

...And what steps can we take to stop it?

Under GRE Study Pressure

Many GRE test takers simply assume that GRE study pressure is part and parcel of the whole experience. After all, it's not like these highly talented students are unused to stress. And let's not forget what life will be like once you've made it into grad school.

Talk about stressed out!

But there's a flaw in this type of logic - and this flaw can really drag down your grad school dreams. You see, our college grades and GPA are determined by multiple tests, papers and presentations. In this respect, if we ever get stressed out and our score suffers as a result, we have multiple opportunities to make up for it.

But not with the GRE test. In fact, you've got one shot to prove that you've got the goods to succeed in graduate school. And if you fail, that's it.

Game over.

Fighting Back Against GRE Practice Anxiety

So what can you do to stay in tip-top shape? Take a look at these expert tips and techniques, and reclaim your GRE preparation once and for all!

• You've heard it all before: but if you want to fight back against high-pressure GRE test preparation, then you need to fine-tune your diet. Many foods can make our bodies feel as though we're in a state of high-stress. Nuts and seeds, however, have a positive impact on blood sugar levels, energy and mood, leading to decreased stress levels.
• Plenty of health experts have celebrated the physical activity as the best way to beat stress at its own game. However, there's a different between regular exercise and the kind that has been proven to significantly reduce stress levels. Don't go for high-impact workouts, as these can exacerbate stress levels. Instead, try yoga or meditation as a more productive method for reducing testing anxiety.

Remember, staying healthy and reducing your stress and anxiety levels is just as important to your GRE preparation as constant study and emotional preparation.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Conquer the GRE General Exam

How to Study Effectively for the GRE General Test

Taking the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test is a quintessential part of the graduate school application process. The GRE General Tests measures skills in verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and critical thinking and analytical writing skills.

Some graduate programs require both the GRE General and Subjects tests, such as the GRE Psychology, which assess the specialized academic knowledge that you've learned through your studies in college. Be sure to check the individual requirements for each graduate program that you apply to. To not have required GRE scores is pretty much on par with application-to-grad-school suicide.

Studying for the GRE is a rite of passage that every prospective graduate student must endure. But some students have no idea where to start. What are the best GRE review guides to follow to brush up on basic skills that grad programs are looking for?

1. ETS GRE: Practicing To Take the GRE General Test (10th edition)

This book is actually published by the Educational Testing Service, the institution that administers the GRE General Test. One might think that this guide would offer the best advice for GRE preparation, but read on....

2. Princeton Review's Cracking the GRE 2010 Edition

Surprisingly, this review guide actually gets slightly better customer ratings than the ETS version. Apparently, it includes tons of practice questions in the book, exclusive free access to 2 practice tests, and expert advice online.

3. Kaplan GRE Exam Vocabulary in a Box

These targeted products come in handy if you already know where your weaknesses lie, and say, for example, that you know that you need to brush up on vocabulary. There are over 500 handy flashcards that you can use to review GRE vocabulary. There is also a GRE Exam Vocabulary Workbook if you prefer that format over flashcards.

4. Kaplan GRE Exam Math Workbook

Similar to the Vocabulary in a Box, this workbook is a great idea if you already know that math is your weakness. There's lots of review of core math concepts, detailed answer explanations, and strategies to solving different types of math problems. Basically, this guide will cover everything that you may have forgotten since your last college-level mathematics course.

BONUS for those who are interested in interactive GRE software:

5. Barron's GRE with CD-ROM

Barron includes a full-length book that has two full-length practice exams with all questions answered and explained. As a bonus, it also includes two full-length computer-adaptive tests on the CD-ROM. Why is this a good idea? The GRE General exam is almost always administered via computer. What better way to study than using the actual computerized format that you will face during actual GRE test administration?

Decide how you study best - and then pick the GRE preparation book that works best for you and your particular goals.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Understanding Average GRE Scores - What You Need to Know

Average GRE scores are some where between 55 percentiles to seventy percentile. Securing higher marks in the Graduates records examination, GRE more than the average ensure you seats on complete merit. Normally it is through the Research assistantship programs and teaching assistantships and fellow ships through which you gain money for you academic expenses. These are awarded for higher GRE scorers.

This is essentially done in order to meet out the fees requirement and boarding and lodging expenses in the university campuses while you opt for post graduation studies. Anything below this mark of average GRE scores cannot be treated as a worthy record despite have your pass percentile. But it is actually pretty tough to secure even this average GRE scores as well.

The complexity of the questionnaire in the GRE exams are of tedious nature to solve and needs adequate skills and expertise. Sheer practice can improvise you to hone your skills to fine levels to secure these average GRE scores. If you have obtained anything more than this mark then you are genuinely smart enough to be a gifted personality.

The benefits of securing the GRE scores or above than that assure you a seat in the universities of United States of America easier. The score of GRE are considered to be as mandatory for evaluation of the candidate potential. Some of the universities do insist on both TOEFL and GRE as mandatory along with the academic credentials earned by the candidate otherwise.

Financial aid for the students is considered with respect to the marks secured by the students in the GRE and TOEFL. If you have higher scores you get more aid to manage your fees. There are students who get more aid than the requirement to manage their additional expenses until they pursue their master degrees.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

GRE Preparation Experience

Some people don't believe in usefulness of studying for any standardized tests. My experience has been completely opposite. I first took GRE without a day of preparation a year after graduating from university. I didn't really need to score high and thought since I had good grades in school, GRE wouldn't be that tough. I was wrong and did pretty bad. Five years later I got serious about the grad school, decided to apply to a prestigious university and had to get a very high score on GRE. It took me about 4 months to prepare to the level where I was comfortable. I could have probably used few more weeks, but was getting so tired of studying that decided to go for it.

English has been my weaker point, so I spent the most time working on that part: first increasing my vocabulary and then practicing verbal questions as much as I could. Since I was pretty comfortable with math, I left it for the last month of my preparation and mainly concentrated on getting timing right. Here is the list of the materials that I used to study. Hopefully some of this might be useful for the future test takers.

1. Word Smart for the GRE (Smart Guides)

There are about 600 words in this little book. It's not perfect, examples are a little "cheesy" and there is no pronunciation guide. Yet, I think this book really helped me. At first I tried to use flashcard software on my pocket pc to help me memorize new words, but for some reasons that didn't work well and I felt that I could remember more words using just good ol' paper flash cards. I am not sure, maybe it's the process of writing the word down, but somehow I felt I could remember more words that way. There are also little quizzes after every 5-15 words to help with learning. I think one could probably memorize about 80 words a week, though I averaged about 40-50. Obviously this is not the best method of acquiring new words, yet it did work for me. Several of them came up on GRE and quite a few I still remember.

2. The Wizard of Oz Vocabulary Builder by Mark Philips

This a pretty cool book, it introduces "GRE and SAT type" words in the context of a story to ease memorization. I didn't find it as useful as the Word Smart book, yet it was a nice change from just memorizing disconnected words. Every new "big" word is explained on the same page, with more examples to make it easier to remember words. Overall it was a pretty good, though a somewhat slower way of increasing vocabulary for GRE.

3. Kaplan GRE Exam Verbal Workbook

This book has strategies and tips for verbal section and the most important a lot of test questions. It helped me a lot with reading comprehension part and just getting over my "fear" of verbal section.

4.Barron's How to Prepare for the GRE Test I think out of all GRE preparation books, this one is the most useful. It has pretty good math review and its test questions are probably the closest to the GRE difficulty level maybe even a little harder. Barron also has a book "Pass Key to the GRE Test", which is basically a smaller version of this book. I've also noticed that they reuse a lot of questions from previous editions, so if you're on the budget you don't have to buy the latest edition. An older version will be just as good and the newest edition will repeat many questions anyway.

5. GRE: Practicing to Take the General Test, by ETS This book is published by the same guys that make the test. The review section is not that good, you'll probably be better off with Barron or Kaplan for that. However, tests are real GRE questions that were used about 10 years ago. The test has definitely increased in difficulty since then. I was somewhat disappointed with this book, yet I think 1 or 2 questions (or very similar) from the verbal section appeared on the actual test that I took. ETS definitely recycles questions, so it can be helpful to go through this book, but keep in mind that the real test will be much harder, especially the math section.

6. POWERPREP by ETS This is a software you can download from ETS website or you will get it in the mail after you register for the test. Don't wait though for the "mail version", mine came after I've already taken the test. This is the closest you will get to the real test questions; however again I thought questions on the real test were harder. Yet it is very helpful to measure your progress using this software. I took the first test after about two weeks of studying to establish a baseline and then the second one about 2-3 weeks before the test to see where I was and find any weak spots. My actual test results were almost identical to the results on my second Powerprep test.

Few suggestions:

1. Work on your weakest parts first. If it's vocabulary start your preparation with memorizing words and then move on to the areas that you are more comfortable with.

2. Establish your baseline score by taking one of the Powerprep tests early on.

3. You don't have to spend a fortune on study material, last year editions are just as good.

4. Test has become harder over the past few years, so don't get over confident if you do really well on the "retired" ETS tests. The level of difficulty is much higher now.

Monday, June 11, 2012

It's official: when it comes to GRE test takers, they're a nation of stressheads.

A recent survey conducted by a herbal remedy brand revealed that of 2,372 GRE test takers, 99% claimed that they felt stressed about their GRE preparation at least once per day. The study also concluded that of these anxiety sufferers, 35% have missed at least one day's work of work or school due to stress over GRE study.

But for the rest of students preparing to realize their graduate school dreams, this isn't really news at all. In fact, it's a part of everyday life when it comes to GRE practice.

Let's face it: a small amount of stress is expected in any GRE practice schedule. Heck, sometimes it's even good for you! But what is this stress and anxiety doing to our health...

...And what steps can we take to stop it?

Under GRE Study Pressure

Many GRE test takers simply assume that GRE study pressure is part and parcel of the whole experience. After all, it's not like these highly talented students are unused to stress. And let's not forget what life will be like once you've made it into grad school.

Talk about stressed out!

But there's a flaw in this type of logic - and this flaw can really drag down your grad school dreams. You see, our college grades and GPA are determined by multiple tests, papers and presentations. In this respect, if we ever get stressed out and our score suffers as a result, we have multiple opportunities to make up for it.

But not with the GRE test. In fact, you've got one shot to prove that you've got the goods to succeed in graduate school. And if you fail, that's it.

Game over.

Fighting Back Against GRE Practice Anxiety

So what can you do to stay in tip-top shape? Take a look at these expert tips and techniques, and reclaim your GRE preparation once and for all!

• You've heard it all before: but if you want to fight back against high-pressure GRE test preparation, then you need to fine-tune your diet. Many foods can make our bodies feel as though we're in a state of high-stress. Nuts and seeds, however, have a positive impact on blood sugar levels, energy and mood, leading to decreased stress levels.
• Plenty of health experts have celebrated the physical activity as the best way to beat stress at its own game. However, there's a different between regular exercise and the kind that has been proven to significantly reduce stress levels. Don't go for high-impact workouts, as these can exacerbate stress levels. Instead, try yoga or meditation as a more productive method for reducing testing anxiety.

Remember, staying healthy and reducing your stress and anxiety levels is just as important to your GRE preparation as constant study and emotional preparation.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

How to Study For the GRE Test (Graduate Record Examination)

The GRE test proves to be a very important test, but do not sweat it just yet. There are ways of which you can go about it successfully. Below is a list of suggestions on how to study for the GRE test.

1. Familiarize yourself with the GRE test prior to the day you have to take it. By familiarizing yourself with the test, you will have an idea of what to expect. By obtaining the knowledge of what to expect, you will have a smoother ride throughout the test. If you do not know what to expect then it will be easier for you to become flustered during the test, thus making the test more difficult than it has to be.

2. Allow yourself an adequate amount of prep time for the GRE test. By being well prepared, you will be more inclined to receive a better GRE score on the test. Spend as much time preparing for the test as you possibly can. As little as three to four months or as much as a year should be plenty of time for you to well prepare yourself.

3. Set a goal to receive the GRE score you wish to obtain. Setting goals is the prelude to an accomplishment. By setting a score goal for yourself, you will give yourself an idea of how much preparation and study time you will need so that you can achieve the score. Goals give you something particular to work toward.

4. Steer clear of distractions when studying for the GRE test. Distractions are, well, distracting. When studying for the GRE test, you want to focus solely on the content of which you are studying. Try to refrain from any and all distractions, such as television, music (unless listening to music helps you study), cell phones, etcetera.

5. Study a variety of texts. Studying more than one text will cover more of the test overall. This can definitely help you to better prepare yourself. Some text suggestions are Kaplan, Princeton Review, Barrons, Big Book, and Power Prep.

6. Vigorously practice the GRE test before taking the actual test. As the saying goes, "practice makes perfect". Think of it as a sport. In sports, players have to practice regularly so that they can become better and better at their sport. The same goes for the GRE test. The more you practice, the more likelihood that you will receive the GRE score that you would like to will increase.

7. Concentrate primarily on the sections of the GRE test of which you believe you will struggle in. The test is divided mainly into four separate sections: analytical writing, research, quantitative, and verbal. Only you yourself can truly know what areas you excel in and what areas of which you may need more assistance in. Study the test as a whole, but spend a bit more time on the areas of which you are not so great in.

8. Be aware of how much time you are allotted for each portion of the test. Once you have studied the test content for awhile, begin taking practice tests. When taking these practice tests, time yourself in tandem with the time limitations for the actual test. By doing this, you will acquire an idea of how to pace yourself during the test.